
15 IDF Operations You Probably Did Not Know About But Should
When one mentions IDF, the first thing that comes to mind are tough guys who are out there fighting terrorists. While the

Yom Haatzmaut 2016 IDF Celebration
We invite you to have your BBQ on the bases together with hundreds of IDF soldiers, instead of your backyards.

Sponsor Operational Water Packs For IDF Soldiers
We at Standing Together have made it our goal to support and supply IDF soldiers with whatever they need in

A Lone Soldier Reunited With His Mom At The Perfect Time In The Perfect Place
Let me tell you a story that will make you laugh, cry and be very proud of our people and

I Returned To Lebanon But This Time It Was All Smiles
When Standing Together’s IDF liaison, Rami Landau, called me and asked if I want to go Lebanon, my heart skipped

The Story Of An IDF Officer Who Embodies The Gathering Of Jews Back To Israel
The Story of Israel is one that has lasted since the beginning of time. For generations Jews have prayed, hoped

This Is What Makes The IDF The Most Unique Military In The World
I’ll admit, I am biased! As a 23 year IDF reservist and a current sergeant serving in an IDF Paratroopers unit,

Mishloach Manot 2016
Standing Together is working to provide special, personal mishloach manot packages for chayalim as a celebration of Purim and a

Bonding With IDF Soldiers Over Sunflower Seeds = Amazing Shabbat!
Guest post by Tova Knecht who recently moved to Israel with her family and is using every day to experience

Shabbat With IDF Soldiers? Sign Us Up!
Guest post by: Tova Knecht Tova recently moved to Israel and using every day to experience life in Israel to

Wish IDF Soldiers A Happy Chanukah
There are very few holidays that relate to IDF soldiers like Chanukah. We are still few vs. many and we

Here Is How NOT To Feel Helpless When Terror Strikes Israel
I always feel helpless and frustrated when someone gets killed by terror in Israel. I feel like there has to