
Donate a Cake to the IDF
Covid-19 prevents Standing Together from visiting army bases. BUT it doesn’t prevent us from showing our love to Israeli soldiers.

You Can Help 1000s of IDF Soldiers Celebrate Purim
While the rest of the Jewish nation will be celebrating Purim, thousands of IDF soldiers will be standing guard keeping

Send Mishloach Manot To IDF Soldiers
While we will be celebrating Purim with our families, hundreds of thousands of IDF soldiers will be on duty

Every week the Standing Together truck makes it out to numerous bases and meets hundreds of active IDF soldiers. We

This Is What You Can Do For 500 IDF Soldiers Who Finish a 60-Kilometer All-Night Maneuver
Standing Together has one goal and that is letting IDF soldiers know how much people from around the world appreciate

IDF Soldiers Have A Special Rosh Hashanah Message For You
. .While the Jewish nation will be celebrating and praying for a Happy Year to come, IDF soldiers will be

Give Lone Soldiers The One Thing They Miss Most
It’s Saturday night and the center of town in Jerusalem is hustling and bustling with teenagers as well as with

Here Is Your Chance To Thank The Men and Women of The IDF
Wherever IDF Soldiers Are, Standing Together Will Be There For Them! IDF Cool Down Together with hundreds of sponsors and volunteers,

Making Sure All IDF Soldiers Have What They Need For Pesach
The Standing Together Pesach Campaign is a very important and emotional one for us as well as for the soldiers

Standing Together In Lebanon With IDF Soldiers
There is no greater time to show your support than when IDF soldiers are on active duty, operations and at

Standing Together With First Response Anti Terrorist Teams
When I say IDF, people around me smile, salute and begin to thank those in uniform. I want to tell you

Life As a Husband, Father, Son, Brother and Soldier In The IDF
As I hit the halfway mark on my flight home from a 2-week speaking and fund-raising tour in the U.S.,