
Donate a Cake to the IDF

Covid-19 prevents Standing Together from visiting army bases. BUT it doesn’t prevent us from showing our love to Israeli soldiers.

We have a new project a refreshment stand for soldiers distributing store bought cakes and drinks.

Your donation is helpful x2. It helps grocery store owners where we purchase the cakes and drinks by increasing their income and it shows love to IDF soldiers.

So next time you reach for the fridge think of the #IDF soldiers who are enjoying the treats that you sent. 



Donate button to Paypal for Israeli Tax Receipt

Or to Donate by Check: Please make checks out to STANDING TOGETHER. Please mail to:
POB 1029
Efrat, Israel


Donate from the usa for tax deductible receipt

Or to Donate by Check: Please make checks out to STANDING TOGETHER Inc
Please mail to:
c/o Jerry Katz
2 Grouse LN
LLoyd Harbor,NY 11743

Around the Globe

 You can always donate by check!

 Please make checks out to STANDING TOGETHER

Mail Check to: 

PO BOX 1029

the Standing Together Lion's Club
The Lion’s Club Bar / Bat Mitzva

Create a living legacy in memory of Ari Fuld HY”D

This past July Ari took my family to an army base to give cold drinks, pizza, ice cream and other treats to the soldiers after training in the hot sun. Immediately, my dad and I told Ari that we wanted to do more. I was on my way to becoming a bat mitzvah and I wanted to jump into my new role with an awesome act of chesed. Ari told us about his plan to raise money for a new truck. A few days before he was murdered he made the video below.

Ari HY”D was my dad’s good friend and he had become my friend as well. He was so happy for me that I was becoming a bat mitzvah. My dad and I knew that we had to do something.  Now instead of him helping me celebrate my bat mitzvah with a cool act of chesed, we are going to do an even greater act of chesed! We are going to raise the money for the Standing Together hospitality truck as a living legacy to Ari.  We are asking everyone celebrating their bar and bat mitzvah this year to join us. I can’t wait until we are a 100 member club!  I know that we can make this happen! Please fill out the form below.

Thanks, Kaylee 

Today we at Standing Together are encouraging everyone who is celebrating their bar and bat mitzvah to join Kaylee and become part of the Lion’s club. Choose the Lion’s Club as your chesed for this year and if you already have a chesed add the Lion’s Club as well. It is that important. Here is why.

We are creating the Lion’s Club because we know that heros aren’t just born. They are children who were nurtured and educated to   give. They are people who learned to dig deep into themselves and donate their talents to make the world a better place. Ari Fuld HY’D was that person.

Ari Fuld HY”D took his love for Torah, the  people of Israel, the land of Israel and the IDF and turned his passion into an inspiration for all those whose lives he touched.

As Assistant Director of Standing Together he touched many lives, both that of the soldiers who benefited from his hard work and the donors and volunteers who joined the journey. His life exemplified chesed with pride, a great example especially for one who is becoming a bar and bat mitzvah.  

Our Sages tell us that reaching the age of Mitzvot is a significant milestone. Now when one is old enough to be counted as a responsible, contributing member of society, now is the time to mark this important transition with a special chesed (charity) project

If you have a bar / bat mitzvah coming up or know someone who does, sign up for the lion’s club on the form below.

We are called the Lion’s Club, because an “Ari” in Hebrew is a Lion.  A lion symbolizes leadership. It symbolizes a person ready to take action. Yehuda Ben Taima quoted In Shulchan Aruch HaRav states:

רץ כצבי וגבור כארי לעשות רצון אביך שבשמים

Yehudah son of Teimah says:  ” Be Bold as a leopard and and light as an eagle , swift as a deer and strong as a lion to carry out the will of your Father in heaven. ‘Bold as a leopard’ means one should not to be humiliated by people who ridicule [him]. ‘Strong as a lion’ [refers to] moral strength which is primarily in the heart, [to act] like a lion and overpower ones evil urge and rise from ones sleep before the morning light, to serve one’s Creator.

That was the way Ari lived his life and these are worthy goals for ourselves as well as our children and therefore we call our club – the Lion’s Club

Lions Club logo


More Activities

Looking for more ways to commemorate Ari’s memory and raise money for the Standing Together IDF Hospitality Truck. Fill out the form below and share your ideas.

    I represent a school, synagogue or organization


    Standing Together Hundred Thousand Thank Yous
    100,000 THANK YOUS

    Largest Campaign in 20 Years

    Help us reach our goal is to fill the streets of Israel with solidarity and support for our chayalim by distributing tote bags throughout the country that are printed with Thank You messages and by giving Chayalim summer treats to keep them cool in the hot summer sun.
    Your greatest contribution in addition to your generous donation would be to spread the word about this fundraiser to your friends and family and associates via email and social media.
    Throughout the cities of Israel everywhere that one turns there will be someone carrying a tote bag that shouts out a heartfelt compliment for the chayalim: “Thank You IDF” “Good Luck Soldier” “You are the Best!” “Chayal Keep Safe, We Care about YOU”. These compliments and words of encouragement will brighten the chayalims’ day today and even more importantly it will leave them with something they will cherish for a lifetime, the feeling of support and appreciation from every day citizens, the Jewish community around the world and Friends of Israel as they face the challenges involved in protecting Israel.
    Your donation, will strengthen the Israeli chayalim and unify Israeli society. We are Standing Together in support of our soldiers.

    Standing Together Thank You Bag

    Donate button to Paypal for Israeli Tax Receipt

    Donate from the usa for tax deductible receipt

    The root of this campaign and the soul of Standing Together were born out of the dramatic events that transpired fifty one years ago, I witnessed the miracle we now call the Six Day War. Prior to the war, Israeli citizens sadly joked, the last one out of Ben Gurion Airport shut the lights. Tension mounted daily and exploded as Egypt, Syria and Jordan engaged in a war with Israel. The fear was palatable, we didn’t know what our fate would be.

    Volunteering in Kibbutz Lavi, I heard of the many miracles the soldiers personally experienced. Entering Bethlehem, an old woman motioned to the Israeli soldiers to follow her. As they approached she disappeared and they found themselves in front of Kever Rachel (Mama Rochel as she is lovingly called) without a bullet being shot or a soldier being injured. Her sons had returned.

    Six Day War volunteers

    We returned to the Golan Heights as well. The Syrian troops stationed there receded when they thought the war had bypassed them as they heard Israeli rockets explode beyond where they were stationed.  The Syrian troops deserted , leaving the Heights unprotected.

    And of course we returned to the Kotel, the center of Jerusalem, the wall that represents the heart of our nation and the unity of Israel. Immediately the area in front of the kotel was cleared and soldiers both religious and secular stood together in awe.

    It was truly a magical time. Grateful for the daily miracles from G-d and the courage of the soldiers, civilians desperately wanted to show their appreciation and support. They spontaneously set up tables laden with home made cakes, sandwiches and drinks in bus stations and other central areas so the soldiers could grab a bite, a taste of home, in their rush to defend us. Witnessing this left a deep impression and is the reason behind Standing Together, whose hospitality truck continues to deliver our support, gratitude and delicious treats to brave soldiers.
    And today with you, Jews all over the world and friends of Israel, we are launching the 100,000 Thank Yous Campaign. Your donation will let the chayalim know how much we love them and appreciate their efforts to keep us safe and secure.

    IDF Passover Campaign

    IDF Passover Campaign The Holiday of Passover is one that symbolizes freedom for the Jewish people. Today in Israel, that freedom comes at a cost and sometimes a very high one. IDF soldiers are constantly standing guard, putting their own lives on the line in to order protect Israel and allow all of us to be free and […]

    You Can Help 1000s of IDF Soldiers Celebrate Purim

    While the rest of the Jewish nation will be celebrating Purim, thousands of IDF soldiers will be standing guard keeping Israel safe. The men and women of the IDF will be on patrol, guard duty, operations and putting their own lives on the line so that the nation of Israel can celebrate Purim. Here is […]

    Send Mishloach Manot To IDF Soldiers

      While we will be celebrating Purim with our families, hundreds of thousands of IDF soldiers will be on duty over the holiday. We at Standing Together want to make sure the men and women of the IDF know that there are people around the world who love and support them. If they can’t get […]


    Every week the Standing Together truck makes it out to numerous bases and meets hundreds of active IDF soldiers. We bring them sponsored operational gear, care packages, unit BBQs, Pizza, cold / hot drinks, fresh pancakes and ice cream and more. The current truck has a built in grill, freezer, popcorn machine, phone chargers and […]

    This Is What You Can Do For 500 IDF Soldiers Who Finish a 60-Kilometer All-Night Maneuver

    Standing Together has one goal and that is letting  IDF soldiers know how much people from around the world appreciate them.  Our motto is very clear; wherever IDF soldiers might be, we will be there for them! That is why when we got a call from the IDF Border Patrol unit, it did not take […]

    IDF Soldiers Have A Special Rosh Hashanah Message For You

    . .While the Jewish nation will be celebrating and praying for a Happy Year to come, IDF soldiers will be on duty making sure Israel stays safe. If you were concerned for the safety of Israel, listen to this beautiful message from the men and women of the IDF [shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”6c3f65f59adbb68e739a911e794ca51c”] We at Standing Together […]

    IDF Soldiers Wishing You A Happy New Year

    The Jewish new year 5780 is almost here. Standing Together is ready to greet the new year and the new IDF soldiers with more treats and thank yous than ever before.  Check out this great video where we go out and check the shofar blowing skills of IDF soldiers.

    This video is relevant today as it was the day Ari Fuld HY”D filmed it. Please take a moment to watch and donate below.

    While millions of Jews around the world will be praying in the synagogue and celebrating the Jewish New Year, IDF soldiers will be on duty making sure Israel stays safe over the holidays. There are IDF soldiers who are choosing to stay on base over the holidays instead of spending it with their families and the reason they do so is horribly sad.

    While in uniform, socioeconomic differences disappear. The IDF is the melting pot of Israel and where the gathering of Jews from all corners of the Earth meet and where our differences completely disappear.

    It is when the soldiers are sent home that reality hits the less fortunate soldiers. There are IDF soldiers who choose not to go home for the holidays in order not to be a financial burden on their families. 


    For over two decades Standing Together has been working together with IDF social workers to make sure families of active IDF soldiers have what they need to celebrate. Over the years we have delivered thousands of packages and goods to the families of IDF soldiers who were in need of financial assistance and this year we were asked to step up for Rosh Hashanah.

    The goal is very simple and very important. We want to reach a minimum of 400 families of IDF soldiers who are in need of financial assistance. We will deliver goods and food that will allow them to enjoy the New Year without having to worry about their financial situation.  We will either be delivering boxes of goods or distributing cards to the families with which they will be able to purchase whatever they need for the holidays.


    Rosh Hashanah is only a few weeks away so time is of the essence. We all have our own lives and expenses that we have to deal with, but everyone can do something. Together with you, we can reach our goal of making sure 400 families of IDF soldiers, who are putting their own lives on the line to protect Israel, can celebrate the New Year. You can check in below to see our progress..


    and in the message area (or in the special instructions to seller area if you are donating from Israel) of the donation form please send a short letter to the IDF soldiers


    Donate button to Paypal for Israeli Tax Receipt

    Or to Donate by Check :Please make checks out to STANDING TOGETHER. Please mail to:
    POB 1029
    Efrat, Israel

    United States

    Donate from the usa for tax deductible receipt

    Or to Donate by Check: Please make your dollar check payable to
    STANDING TOGETHER INC. and mail to:
    c/o Jerry Katz
    2 Grouse LN
    LLoyd Harbor, NY 11743 

    donations from Other Countries 

    Please Donate online or by check and mail to:
    PO BOX 1029

    Unfortunately, donations from other countries are not currently tax-deductible.