Rockin’ With IDF Soldiers!

Like so many other families, the Levy family from Westchester NY decided to join Standing Together and sponsor an outing to an IDF base in honor of their son’s Bar Mitzvah.

While some families sponsor gear for soldiers and others sponsor apparel and camel back water carriers, the Levy family decided to come out to an IDF base to personally say ‘THANK YOU’ and show appreciation to the men and women of the IDF.

Everyone was having a great time and then soldiers invited the Levy family into their makeshift on-base club and things got really wild. The Levys’ oldest daughter Lauren Rebecca did not hesitate as she plugged her phone into the stereo system and then this happened!


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The smiles the Levy family put on the soldiers’ faces were priceless!
Everyone had a great time and Alex Levy had a Bar Mitzvah experience he will never forget!



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You want to say ‘Thank You’ To IDF soldiers?
Click on any of our IDF support campaigns below


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