15 IDF Operations You Probably Did Not Know About But Should

When one mentions IDF, the first thing that comes to mind are tough guys who are out there fighting terrorists. While the IDF is full of tough men and women who are fighting the bad guys, there is another side of the IDF that has been saving people’s lives around the globe, literally!

We walked out of Europe beaten and bloody just 70 somewhat years ago and instead of drowning in our pain, we lifted our heads up high and used whatever strength we had left to develop, innovate and build our Israel that we returned to after 2,000 long and hard years. We made the desert bloom and we shocked the world with our scientific, medical, agricultural and technological breakthroughs and innovations, but our efforts did not stop there. We as a people are driven to make the world a better place, a safer place and a happier place. Here are 15 IDF operations that will warm your heart and make you proud of the IDF.

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Israeli soldiers run during training session at base near Ashdod

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