Send A CD to IDF Soldiers

Standing Together,, and our soldiers would like to wish you Shana Tova, a happy New Year filled with health happiness and peace. This year was a productive and successful year and we hope to grow and strengthen the program this coming year, with your help of course.

Our deepest gratitude for all your support this year. To show our thanks and appreciation for your support, we are giving a special bracha (blessing) for Rosh Hashana for you and your family. This is a new rendition of the Priestly blessing that g-d gave the Ancient Jewish High Priests, the kohanim, in order to bless the children of Israel. As special thank you to you for your continuing support of Standing Together and our soldiers, we are enclosing a link to this beautiful version of the Priestly Blessing. It has the voices of over 1000 kohanim (Jewish people descended from the priestly tribe).

Enjoy a spiritually uplifting experience and pray for our brave soldiers while listening to this music. We hope it moves you to a deeper understanding of Israel’s need for the protection of the Almighty.

We would like to distribute CDs with this beautiful blessing to the soldiers, wishing them special protection on their dangerous missions this year. If you would like to participate offering this prayer for the safety and protection of our soldiers, you can sponsor these CDs at $18 per soldier. When a family or community sponsors CDs for a unit or group of soldiers, it creates a unique relationship which we hope you will continue to foster.

Please help us reach as many people as possible. Forward this email to your friends and family so they can share in this very special bracha for the soldiers.

Knowing that there are people throughout the world who sincerely care about their well being will give the soldiers a boost in morale and resolve. Sending the soldiers your blessings has a profound effect on their success and you can make a tremendous difference in the lives of those people protecting your homeland.