Wish IDF Soldiers A Happy Chanukah

There are very few holidays that relate to IDF soldiers like Chanukah. We are still few vs. many and we are still defending ourselves from those who are looking to destroy the Jewish people and Israel. Our modern day Maccabim are out there, in uniform, standing guard.

The Holiday of Chanukah is one that is filled with light and happiness. Many spend their Chanukah together with family and friends and enjoy the traditional Sufganiyot (doughnuts) or Levivot (oil soaked cakes) in memory of the Menorah that stayed lit for eight days although there was only enough oil for one.


While Jews around the world will be enjoying the holiday, there will be thousands of IDF soldiers who will be on duty protecting Israel. We at Standing Together figured, if they can’t get home to their family, we are going to get out to them!

We have hundreds of Lone soldiers who are serving in the IDF and for many, we are their family. We want to make sure every Lone soldier will not feel alone this Chanukah. That is why Standing Together will be visiting hundreds of Lone soldiers and give them a Chanukah package which will include a Leatherman Multi-tool as well as a personalized towel and other gifts that will make their service just a little bit easier and let them know, they are NOT alone!

We will also be traveling around the country and giving out Sufganiyot (doughnuts) to soldiers at checkpoints and those who are on duty in areas where civilians rarely get to. We want to make sure the men and women in the IDF know they have an entire nation behind them and we need your help to get them that message.

We need $15,000 to purchase the Chanukah gift packages for over 150 Lone soldiers and to give out sufganiyot to thousands of IDF soldiers. I am sure you are all busy buying gifts for your children, here are some of our sons, brothers, daughters and sisters who deserve our appreciation.

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