Article of: Miriam

Summer Gear For IDF Soldiers
Standing Together has been contacted by IDF units all over Israel who need training supplies that aren’t provided by the

Yom Haatzmaut 2011 Video

Standing Together Latest News
May 2011 Iyar 5771 Standing Together Newsletter Upcoming Events and Recent Activities In This Issue Annual Yon Ha’atzmaut Barbeque Purim

Yom HaAtzmaut Barbeque
Standing Together is expecting a fantastic Yom HaAtzmaut this year. We have hundreds of chayalim anxiously awaiting our arrival at

Passover for our Soldiers
Help us reach as many soldiers as possible by forwarding this email to all your contacts. The soldiers are depending

Preparing for Pesach 2011
This Pesach (passover) season, Standing Together has many initiatives going on to boost the morale of the Soldiers for this

This Purim and Passover
Unite with Israel by donating Holiday Packages to Underprivileged Israeli Soldiers Support soldiers who protect Israeli citizens and tourists day and

Don’t forget to send Mishloach Manot for our Soldiers
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Help us reach as many soldiers as possibleby

Mishloach Manot for our Soldiers
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Help us reach as many soldiers as possibleby

Tu B’Shevat (New Year of the Trees) for Students and Soldiers
This year, the students from Tiferet in Bet Shemesh celebrated Tu B’shevat, the new year of the trees, with our

Purim 2011
There are many organizations that give out mishloach manot to soldiers on Purim, but a package from Standing Together has

NY (and part of NJ) Thanks the Soldiers