Article of: Ari Fuld

Bring Back Our Boys

Our nation is devastated, frustrated and crying out in pain. We are praying for the safe return of the boys

Yom HaAtzmaut Movie Marathon

Standing Together’s first Annual Yom HaAtzmaut/Yom Yerushalayim 24 Hour Movie Marathon This new idea to give Diaspora Jewry a way

Yom Haatzmaut 2014 Home Page Panel

Join Us for Our Biggest Annual Event! Every year, Standing Together visits IDF bases throughout the country to celebrate Israel


We know you really enjoy the opportunity to show our soldiers your support all year long and that is why you

Warm Winter Gear for IDF Soldiers

Chilly nights are upon us again, and IDF soldiers are starting to bundle up when they’re on duty. Standing Together

Wonder Tzitzit

Our tradition teaches us that when someone is wearing tzitzit they are more connected to Hashem. Soldiers depend on their

Hatzalah Video


IDF Soldier shot by sniper


Video: Arabs Riot Against IDF in Qalandia
